Tuesday, December 25, 2007

ODEO Investigation: Who is this guy Frank Maraesca and what does he have to do with Odeo?

A little birdy in NYC informed this blogger to Google Frank Maresca and quite a few things came up.

1. He has on his website that he works with Sivault? (Rick Arturo, Eric Russo/Rupert? and Dick Moore all come up as Silvault exec also- now Sonicmountain /Odeo execs?)
2. From the Odeo Wikipedia hyperlink he was the "Sole Director" of SonicMountain who kept this fact secret from the CEO, who he had removed without a vote of shareholders.
Rumour on the blogosphere is that the CEO wanted to stop a Pump And Dump scam!

So who is this guy and what is his agenda? (Guy from Wantaugh will know?)
Please send info back to blog in comment section


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